The number of to so by over %! Number of SQL tasks in WordPress WooCommerce with sample data | namLet's stick to our WooCommerce store. We will now simulate the traffic on the page using Apache JMeter. For this purpose we created a scenario of a virtual user who after entering the website will view product pages and then add products from different product pages other than those viewed at the beginning to the cart.
However we no longer examine the number of queries to the MariaDB database but we check the average waiting time for the server's response in connection with the activities performed. Average execution Phone Number List time for activities by Apache JMeter | na In the chart we presented the average result obtained with and without Redis. As you can see the use of Redis allowed us to reduce the time needed to generate pages in the test by almost % on average.
It is safe to say that every user using the Internet will experience such a significant increase in the speed of the website they visit. No one needs to be convinced that a customer who is satisfied with the speed of operation of an online store is much more willing to make purchases through it. Therefore an increase in the speed of the website in the case of e commerce will directly translate into higher profits from the business. Remember that regular websites that are not stores can also earn money thanks to the advertisements placed on them.